Here at Tararua College we have been moving toward integrating technology more and more into our learning programmes. We are investing in technologies such as improved wifi and chromebooks to increase the availability of devices for student use. The Ministry of Education has identified digital fluency and digital literacy as key areas for student development in New Zealand to help them as they move into an ever increasingly technological world.
With internet access nearly within every student’s grasp, and technology becoming more readily available the flipped classroom model is becoming the norm rather than then the exception. The technology is not limited to a home computer- laptops. Many devices such as ipods, ipads, and smartphones, are all ways that students can access the instruction when not at school. The focus however, is not getting a device into every student’s hand but what it can do for students learning and engagement. Not all students learn in the same way or at the same pace.
So what is the flipped classroom? There are many different models of the flipped classroom but at it’s core it uses technology to allow students to access their learning anytime and anywhere. The flipped classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering instruction online outside the class and moving “homework” into the classroom.
Teachers can share their knowledge out to students (and parents) to their homes in various forms such as short videos, online learning platforms and through collaborative platforms such as Google Apps for Education. This frees up more time in class for teachers to interact one on one with students. The flipped classroom idea helps to engage students by making learning easier to access and engaging.
It can be a way of providing a differentiated learning environment where the teacher has the time to unpack questions and not be fixed at teaching content for lessons at a time. A good way to think about the model is it makes the teacher the “guide on the side” in that the majority of the content information is gained from methods other than lecturing and the teacher becomes a powerful facilitator.
In a flipped classroom model, the students can access learning and do traditional classwork at home and at their own pace; often they have the opportunity to communicate with peers and the teacher via online instruction. The concept engagement then takes place inside the classroom with the help and guidance of the teacher. The classroom flip can provide opportunity for learning through activity and uses educational technology which in turn influences a positive learning environment.
The benefits of reversing the teaching model include improved engagement and academic success and development of high order thinking skills and self management. The flipped classroom is a great way for teachers to promote higher learning both inside and outside the classroom.
What does a Flipped Classroom look like?
Allows teachers to spend more one-on-one time with each individual student.
Creates a collaborative learning environment.
Builds stronger student/ teacher relationships.
Offers a way for teachers to share information with students, parents, and the community easily.
Produces the ability for students to rewind lessons to master topics.
Our aim here at Tararua College is to continue to invest in technology to support our students and their future goals.