Guidance Department
At Tararua College we have a part-time Guidance Counsellor, CSarah Ozanne.
Please click here for link to Covid-19 Mental Health Wellbeing Resources.
Contact Numbers
Student Welfare
There is a broad range of targeted programmes to enhance the health and well being of students made available at the college. Most programmes are run as part of the teacher and learning time students might experience in health classes.
In addition, the pastoral support of students is taken very seriously with all staff obligated under the Vulnerable Children Act 2015 to meet legal responsibilities.
The College provides pastoral care through teachers, deans, whānau teachers and counselling. At each level of engagement there is an opportunity to help students manage any stress that they may be under and which may be inhibiting their educational pathway.
There are a few externally sourced providers that offer a different educational slant or perspective for students to help them remember:
The programmes externally sourced fall into several main themes:
It is evident from the way that some students behave at college that, at times, there is a lot going on in their lives at home. Therefore, it is everyone’s responsibility that students receive help and assistance when they need it for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual welfare and sometimes this might mean that the adults in their lives, outside college, need to reach out for help.
The directory below provides a list of services for anyone to contact.
It is a living document and we seek your support and help in maintaining up to date information. Please contact Clive at TC with your comments. (Last update 06/09/2020 with a general edit).
He oranga ngākau, He pikinga waiora (Positive feelings in your heart will raise your sense of self-worth)
Responsibility and Services at the College => TC’s approach towards meeting its obligations can be read in the Child Protection Procedure.